As a Certified Hairloss Specialist, busy entrepreneur of more than 35 years wife and mother, I can fully appreciate the benefits of self care through scalp massage using a well designed hair brush.
The benefits of regular hair and scalp brushing are many. We are in what I call the "age of self care" and scalp massage by way of brushing definitely falls into that category. One of the first benefits of scalp and hair brushing I need to mention is how relaxing scalp and hair brushing is. Proper brushing of the hair and scalp helps relieve stress, release body tension and relax and loosen the scalp. Because brushing the hair and scalp releases body tension it has also been known to relieve headaches.
Other benefits include the tremendous boost to scalp and hair health. Because brushing the scalp increases and stimulates circulation to the scalp, more nutrients (vitamins,minerals, growth factors, oxygen etc.) can reach the scalp and hair follicles much more quickly and with more intensity. This is also one of the biggest reasons regularly brushing the hair and scalp promotes hair growth.
Regular hair and scalp brushing also stimulates sebum production. Sebum is an oily, waxy substance secreted through the sebaceous glands on the skin and scalp. One of the primary functions of sebum is to lubricate the hair follicle and prevent moisture loss. Regularly brushing the hair and scalp help distribute the sebum throughout the scalp and hair shaft causing hair to be shinier and less dry.
My favorite hair brush to use is a well designed paddle brush with sturdy fully rounded ball tips and a well constructed air cushion. I like this type of brush because it can generally be used on all hair types and on wet or dry hair. It is also useful for detangling hair. Because I am a hairloss specialist and work with many people experiencing some form of alopecia or sensitive scalp I like using the paddle brush to prevent abrasion or skin tears.
A paddle brush will generally massage the scalp with little to no chance of damaging the scalp like some bristle brushes can do. Bristle brushes can scratch the scalp and exacerbate irritation and or hairloss, especially for someone with thin hair and or a sensitive scalp. In contrast, the ball tips on a paddle brush generally have more of a soothing massaging effect. The air filled cushion on a paddle brush also allows the brush to gently contour the head reaching every square inch of the scalp. My favorite brush for people with extra coily thick hair is the Denman brush. It is much more sturdy making it easier to glide through thick tightly coiled hair.
The air filled cushion on a paddle brush may provide too much give and not allow ball tips to reach the scalp to provide therapeutic massage on really thick heads of hair.
For best results,
prior to brushing always detangle the hair. Use thin 1/2' to 1' sections and never tug or pull through tangles, brush tangles out gently starting at the ends of the hair moving up the hair shaft towards the scalp. Repeat until all tangles are removed.
Brushing the hair in as little as
5-15 minutes
per day is a great way to treat your hair, scalp and mental health to a little TLC!
Would you like to know more about how to get and maintain healthy hair as well as prevent and stop hair loss? Register for my Heal Your Hair Workshop taking place online Sunday July 31 at 3pm. Click the link to register.
Carla B. Platt
Certified Hairloss Specialist